HotelsWorkshop VenueThe first MTGV workshop will be held at The Palm Beach Hotel in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso www.palmbeach-burkina.comAvenue Kwamé N'Krumah 01 BP 5557 Ouagadougou 01Tel : 00 226 50 31 09 91 - 00 226 50 31 68 29Fax : 00 226 50 31 68 39 E-mail : palmbeach@fasonet.bf - resapalmbeach@fasonet.bf Special price for workshop , with reservation code: Rain Cell Africa Standart room with breakfast included : 35 000 F CFA (around 54€)"Privilège" room with breakfast included: 50 000 F CFA (around 76€)Taxe fees per day : 1 180 F CFA (around 1.8€)Taxe fees séjour : 1 770 F CFA (around 2.7€)
In the same area, you will find two others hotels : le-splendidhotel.com1108 Avenue du Docteur KWAME N'KRUMAH.Ouagadougou, Burkina faso01 BP 1715 ouagadougouTel +226 50 31 72 78/79 Fax +226 50 31 72 91E-mail : info@le-splendidhotel.com Special price for workshop , with reservation code: Rain Cell Africa Standart room with breakfast included : 52 750 F CFA (around 80€)"Privilège" room with breakfast included: 61 250 F CFA (around 93.5€)Taxe fees per day : 1 180 F CFA (around 1.8€)Taxe fees séjour : 2 360 F CFA (around 3.6€€) www.yibihotel.com2079, Av. Kwamé N’Krumah Tel: (226) 50 30 73 23 / 70 / 71 Special price for workshop , with reservation code: Rain Cell Africa Standart room : 30 600 F CFA (around 47€)Breakfast : 3 000 F CFA (around 4.5€)Taxe fees per day : 700 F CFA (around 1€)Taxe fees séjour : 1 000 F CFA (around 1.5€)Others places to stay - hôtel Koulouba : 25 700 FCFA + breakfast included (tél.00 226 50 30 40 44 / 45) (around 40€)- hôtel Azalaï : 55 000FCFA (tél.50 30 60 60) (around 83€) |